Writings devoted to exploring the joys and difficulties of practice, of sangha, and to that most important endeavor of all: learning to care as deeply as possible.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Rising early to sit the full Saturday zazen this morning, I thought of my friend David.  I thought of all the work he puts into creating communities of activism as well as of thoughtfulness and scholarship.  As I was getting dressed around 6AM to be at the zendo by 6:30, I just stood still and let myself be with my thoughts of him, let myself be with that place within myself from which those thoughts arose.  Why do I wake this morning and think, so strongly, of David?

This Sunday, a half dozen people will cook dinner in his Berkeley apartment and discuss Blake's Prophetic Books, the section on Milton.  I should support that.  I have a long experience with many people expressing the desire for such communities of study, but know that even given this sincere desire, follow through is hard to come by.  But I should follow through.  Following through produces faith, and faith produces many lovely things.  I had promised myself not to drink coffee this morning, but with a bit of a sigh, I brewed a cup, turned my heater back on, did not walk to the zendo, and immersed myself in The Prophetic Works.  And after reading for two hours, stood up for a break and wrote this entry.  Sometimes, its okay to break various promises to oneself, promises to sit zazen, to not drink coffee - everything seems to be as it should be this morning.  And I will attend the dharma talk ;)       

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